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Film Clapboard


Based in London Chris Openshaw has worked internationally for 35 years in the Film & TV industry. He has established a reputation through his work on highly prestigious projects and is sought out for his competence working with internationally renowned talent. He is highly regarded for his creativity & originality. His technical knowledge of lighting & camera systems has ensured complicated projects achieve their creative ambitions. He has worked with many award-winning Directors in over fifty countries.


Throughout his film-making career Chris has had the opportunity to work on a variety of different projects. In a documentary capacity he has had the privilege to photograph the extraordinarily diverse cultures and landscapes of our planet. Subjects include history, science, the arts, wildlife & exploration.

He has also shot a number of drama- documentary and drama projects. He is focused on photographing compelling stories of our world, using his expertise and experience to tackle projects of any description. 




Behind the scenes

Welcome to Earth 'making of...'
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